International Journal of Economy, Energy and Environment

Special Issue

Post-Covid-19 Funding: A Chance for Improving Sustainable Energy

  • Submission Deadline: 30 April 2022
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Susanna Quadri
About This Special Issue
At the international level, governments have responded to the pandemic crisis with a series of funding programs. These programs involve investments and reforms to stimulate economic growth while generating environmental and social benefits. Above all, the recovery programs are intended to accelerate the ecological transition by asking states to present investment packages and reforms for sustainable economic growth.
This special issue is focused on identifying how the various financing and investment programs can give a decisive input to the increase of sustainable energy, improving various reforms at the state and supranational level. These reforms concern strategic issues, such as environmental protection and the fight against climate change, the increase of renewable energy and the production and use of hydrogen, the spread of sustainable mobility and related infrastructures.
Through the contributions of this special edition, we want to demonstrate how ecological transition financing programs can be the main tool for achieving sustainable economic growth and, at the same time, greater social equity.


  1. Post-Covid-19 Funding
  2. Strategic Tool
  3. Ecological Transition
  4. Economic Growth
  5. Sustainable Energy
  6. Social Equity
Lead Guest Editor
  • Susanna Quadri

    Dipartimento Studi Economici e Giuridici, Università Parthenope, Napoli, Italy

Guest Editors
  • Tamburelli Gianfranco

    International legal studies Institute, National Research Council, Roma, Italy

  • Tullio Scovazzi

    School of Law, Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy

  • Umut Turksen

    Faculty of Business & Law, Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom

  • Laura Ammannati

    International, legal and political-historian studies, Università degli studi di Milano, Milano, Italy

  • Nicola Gullo

    Department of Law, Palermo University, Palermo, Italy